Certificate of competence in accordance with EN-45013
From a joint initiative, Rotterdam Painting Consultants B.V., Elsevier Opleidingen and Det Norske Veritas have worked in the last few years to come to the Certificate of Competence for Metal Preserving Companies.
As a participating company in the guarantee committee, the competence of six employees of Van der Ende, together with six employees from a fellow paint company, has been examined. Based on a pilot examination, a theoretical examination was held on 2nd December and a practical examination was held on 13th December.
The results of the pilot examination were very positive.
Hard work is going to be carried out in 2002 by the various organizations to ensure that the certification of competence for metal preserving companies becomes recognized by the Dutch Board of Accreditation.
The initiative is supported by the Dutch Department of Housing, Regional Development and the Environment, the Dutch Petroleum Association, NS Rail-infrabeheer, the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, TenneT, the Department of Public Construction, Akzo Nobel Coatings, Akzo Chemie, and Sigma Coatings.