Shell Nederland Raffinaderij grants Statement of Recognition
Erik Moerkerken (Manager for Industry) and Cor Fijneman (Implementer) were pleasantly surprised when receiving the personal letter from Mr B. Voet (General Manager Pernis).
The note of thanks concerns Van der Ende’s contribution to the emergency repairs of an Airfin cooler during the Easter weekend. As there was a chance of leakage due to tearing, a preventive,
high-quality coating (Belzona) was applied after blasting the tube sheet. This internally applied coating protects the metal if applied correctly. On Friday 6 April, a team was put together in close cooperation with Shell that completed the assignment safely, according to the agreements and in good harmony in a 24-hour shift on Sunday 8 April.
All members of the team felt good about succeeding in completing the installation in time for operation.